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Established in 1977 and now residing in our new Subiaco offices, Taylor Smart provides a wide range of legal services.


Over the years we have built many long-term relationships with our clients as a result of our personal approach and expertise. Our clients' best interests is what drives us and we pride ourselves in providing prompt, tailored and effective solutions.


Legal advice with the highest level of personal service, integrity, quality and value.

The following is intended to be a broad summary of our services.  If you have any questions about whether we deal with the area of law that you need, feel free to contact us.


Our people - at the heart of everything we do.

Level 2/100 Railway Road

Subiaco Western Australia 6008

T +61 8 9325 8266

F +61 8 9325 2895



Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.


The information on this website is of a general informational nature, it does not constitute legal advice and it should not be relied upon as legal advice. 

You should seek specific legal advice with reference to your own circumstances.

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